Builders and Learners Welcome July through September 2024!

Join the Earthseed Revolution

Video Credit: Clarke E., taken at Earthseed on 7/13/2024


Supporting the emergence of a network of intentional communities
that provide radical solutions by using evolutionary behavioral psychology
to inform social agreements,
which promote cooperation and prosocial behavior.

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To explore routes to
regenerative and affordable living,
cooperative self-employment and consensual self-governance
through intentional community living.


Researching the ethical, social, psychological, sexual, ecological, technological and economic foundations of a nonviolent and regenerative culture.


Training ethical and responsible leaders in personal, interpersonal and technical skills. 


Growing the network of communities by sharing our research findings, skilled experts, business resources, and wealth.

Welcome to our Ecovillage!

July 17, 2024: We are starting our gardens and reclaiming the abandoned farmstead apple orchard from the poplar trees that were shading it out. We now are getting a healthy crop of kale leaves everyday but are far from establishing any substantial food preservation systems. The land is abundant in raspberries and blackberries that are just now coming into season. We don’t have a communal house built yet and have only hosted a handful of small events, but we are building up our infrastructure as fast as we can with the necessary logging, earthmoving, and milling equipment we have when it’s not down for maintenance.