Here are our delicious offerings to shamelessly lure you in to Eartseed to help us this season
- Beautiful green mountains of Vermont!
- Beautiful green mountains of Vermont! (yes, it’s so beautiful here, it’s worth highlighting twice)
- Nature living: Dip in springs, swim in river, hike around, meditate up in the grove, explore, sunbathe, meet the wildlife, enjoy the berries as they arrive, listen to the forest…
- Hot tub! Wood-fired unique hot tub that we put together last fall and are getting ready to fire up the first time in a few weeks… (and we’d love to build a sauna if there is enough interest)
- Free food: fruits, veggies, meat, dairy and sometimes other items from local stores will be delivered for our perusal on a regular basis. You are welcome to eat as much or as little as you want. We are hoping to have communal meals daily.
- Accommodations: we have land! That means, you are welcome to camp on it, or in your vehicle, or build yourself a treehouse. There is also an actual functional little house on the land that could be lived in after just a little fixing up. Even if none of these options works for you, or you need regular access to kitchen/shower/internet/whatever, we have other ideas for accommodations in the area, depending on your needs – talk to us! (And we’ll ask you about it in more detail in the registration form)
- Compensation: we have funds in our budget to pay for some of the labor, and hope to get more funding to offer more down the road as financial compensation, or ownership opportunities, or other alternative ways of compensating.
- Learning opportunities: is running a mill or digging with an excavator something you’d like to put on your resume? Is designing and creating uncommon structures getting you super excited? Is communal living feeling scary, but in a setting with trained facilitators, in nature, for a limited time your interest may be piqued? Well, let us tell you – we’ve got all that learning and more!
- Community & Belonging: we are in this together! Working together, learning together, sweating together, laughing together, growing together, singing together, swimming together… (as much as feels good to you!)
- Solitude: there is so much land – you can easily get away from everyone and everything whenever you have that need. Many of us are introverts – and here we respect and support that. Even extraverts need some solo time.
And… we are listening!
It is difficult to convey through this impersonal method of reaching out to you – but we really are seeking help, and not just help – but people who want to co-create an awesome place with awesome people, seriously. We are jazzed, we want to make an impact on the world, we want to live in a better world. And we are starting now, and asking everyone who wants the same – if you can, please assist us in our mission. And if you may be able to, but something is holding you back – get personal with us, reach out, let us know what you need. We reply – as best we can, I should add, because sometimes we get overwhelmed, and then we reply later. Still, we are people, and we want to know what we can offer to support you in being here and co-creating with us.
We mean it.