Since our last update on 9-10-22, the Earthseed Echovillage Project has faced numerous setbacks and delays while also making some interesting progress. Excavators have been bought and sold. A bandsaw mill came and will hopefully soon be gone to be replaced by one more capable and reliable. The skidder has received some much needed TLC and has pulled its weight all along the way. The main culvert was filled with stones by the big storm and then emptied and flown to new stream crossings (thank you Saul!).
Preliminary wetland assessments have been issued and engineering feasibility studies have been postponed.
Many exciting new connections have been made and some pods are beginning to take shape that may one day call the land home. Progress has been made on improving the road down to the initial neighborhood, but much remains to be done.
An ancient track loader was just moved to the land to help smooth the way, but remains in need of some TLC before it can be put to proper use.
A more complete and entertaining update will have to wait until your celebrated arrival!
Blessings on this Equinox!
-Bob, Marissa, and Earthseeders!