Hello, Earthseed’s wider community!
Earthseed land says hello in greens, flowers, flowing waters and starry skies!

We had a beautiful and busy May getting ready for our move to the land. We have raised two large event tents for a kitchen/workshop space and for a movement/dance space. These two seasonal structures will hold us and meet our needs in community this summer as we grow in size and scope. Now we can be rained on and stay dry and cozy!
We planted many veggies, flowers, and fruits in the new gardens and cared for the aged orchards to help breathe new life into the apple trees.
We ran a water line from a spring down to the garden area with plans to extend it to the outdoor kitchen.
We cooked over the fire. We swam in the stream. We dreamt under the stars. We sang to the plants.
Many thanks to those who joined us on the land and those who joined us on the interwebs for a community call, as well as all the folks that are expressing their interest to join us as Potential Members or Partners or Co-Founders – we are humbled by your desire to help, and look forward to meeting you on the land.
We are preparing for two work parties in June (June 7-9 & June 21-23) and dreaming up how we want to continue to lay the foundations for gathering on the land.
On June 21st we will also host a Solstice Celebration, starting at 6.30pm and going into the night – Save the Date!
We are thinking about how we are cultivating an ecology of practices that will support our community connection, growth, and sustainability. The basic components of these practices are: meditation (looking inside oneself), contemplation (looking outside oneself with thoughtful observation), and movement (of our bodies, energies, and minds).
So, join us this summer for Solstice Gathering and on the 2nd and 4th weekends to help build community on our land in Jamaica, VT! We would love to share a meal with you over the fire, and continue weaving the connections and celebrations and co-creations.
See you soon!
In Community,
Marissa & Bob & Earthseeders
P.S. Yay!!! We just learnt that our chipper is fixed – and it only cost us $120 to get it back running again. On with the chips for the orchard mulching!