Earthseed September Update: 🌻🍎🍂
Harvesting from our Sovereign Power 🌱🌽✨ Hello Earthseed Community! 🌱 We hope that you are soaking up all of this late summer sun and storing it up for the days ahead. We have been taking a little break from hosting at Earthseed to get aligned and organized for the winter. This has included splitting and…
Earthseed August Update: ☀️🌱🛖✨
August ☀️🌱🛖✨ Hello Earthseed Community! We are reflecting on the sweet gatherings we have had recently and are feeling deep gratitude for you all for being brave and taking action to live well, embedded in ecosystems, in community, and with others who share that dream. Thank you! ☀️🌱✨ As some of you heard at our…
Builders & Helpers ~ JOIN! 👷♀️🛖🪚
Builders and Learners invited August-September 2024! Earthseed Ecovillage in southern Vermont is seeking human power this August & September to contribute to our initial building sprint. Join us in your tent, van, or tiny home for a week or more to lend a hand in the construction of our communal structure, small buildings/huts/treehouses/hobbit-holes/saunas, an outdoor…
Earthseed June Update : The ☀️ is Shining!
Earthseed land says hello in greens, flowers, flowing waters and starry skies!
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